Providing Arts In Medicine For Children With Serious Illness

The Tiger Bead Kit
Each package includes:

  • Polymer Clay Bead-Making Kit (Tiger) - makes 24 beads; 20 to send to BOC and 4 for you to keep
  • 4 Courage Clips for the beads you keep
  • 20 Art Cards to decorate and return with your beads
  • Postage-paid return mailer for beads and art cards

Thank you to the creativity of Beads of Courage member and Beads of Courage Hall of Fame polymer bead artist - Sophia Florio - for the creation of this adorable bead!! Sophia and her troop made Beads of Courage for their Girl Scout Silver Award - Wow! 

Meet Sophia in our Mission Moment Video here:

The Tiger Beads and Art Cards you create and return to Beads of Courage will become a part of the Beads of Courage program so "One day when our bead goes to a kid who is getting discharged from the hospital, they will feel happiness and love knowing that someone made that especially for them." -Sophia Florio

Price: $40.00
Availability: Out of Stock notify me