Providing Arts In Medicine For Children With Serious Illness
Virtual Designing with the Stars

Register at least two weeks in advance to ensure prompt arrival of your party package:

  • September 8, 2024, 4-5:30 pm ET/1-2:30 Arizona Time

      In this fun virtual Zoom format, you will make three beautiful jewelry projects with guidance from three all-star designers. Each project will take about 20 minutes with prize drawings throughout the event! Tickets are $50 per person and include a package mailed to you prior to the party, consisting of:

      • Materials to make 3 pieces of jewelry
      • Beads of Courage Kit
      • Raffle bead for prizes during the party
      • Additional surprises!

      Price: $50.00
      Availability: Discontinued notify me

        All-Star Designer Line Up & their awesome Desgins COMING SOON!