Providing Arts In Medicine For Children With Serious Illness


With your support of $250, we will add this Aspire Bead by BOC Hall of Fame Artist Marcia Kmack to our Aspire art installation which we aspire to fill with these special handmade beads symbolizing the power and determination of the human spirit to overcome adversity. 

A matching handmade bead will be sent to you (or someone you choose) as our gift of gratitude. Plus, your name will be added to a permanent display adjacent to the sculpture.

Thank you for contributing to the completed sculpture that will serve as a visible and tangible manifestation of the courage of Beads of Courage members and an enduring tribute to their strength and resilience.

Together, let's Aspire to make healing happen!

Price: $250.00
Availability: In Stock
    Would you like to gift the Aspire Bead to someone? Enter their name and mailing address here (if address not indicated, we will send to the shipping address entered on the billing page) (optional)
    If you are sending this bead to someone as a gift and would like us to include a personalized note, please let us know what you would like the note to say: (optional)
    Max: 50 character(s)
    If you would like to be listed as an Aspire supporter on the Beads of Courage website and plaque, please type your name as you wish it to appear. If you do not want to be listed, please type "anonymous." *

    BOC Hall of Fame Artist, Marcia Kmack has been making glass beads since 1998. Originally the studio was in Cave Creek, AZ and is now located in Pagosa Springs, CO. Her style is strongly influenced by color and geometry.

    See more of Marcia’s work: