Providing Arts In Medicine For Children With Serious Illness
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock


    BEAD TYPE: Exclusive, custom-made pewter feather charm 

    Intention: Seeing feathers in unexpected places is a gift of encouragement. We hope that it give you continued strength as you move through your own intentional path in life. 

    The intention card opens to reveal an encouraging quote from Chelsey Magness, mom, and professional athlete who shares her story coping with the death of her son in the documentary film "With Spirit"

    Beads of Courage, Inc. is honored to partner with Hayden's House of Healing in creation of the Feather Bead. We are committed to supporting people during life's most difficult moments

    Meaning: To be gifted to anyone who needs a dose of encouragement as they grieve the death of a loved one. Could be gifted during the Beads of Courage Strand for Strength and Remembrance Program, as a follow up booster bead, or stand alone.

    Unit QTY: 1 unit (10 beads)